Wild Roots Organics Brief

The client wanted a recreation of an example website with slight alterations to fit with their brand and styling. As a company for organic products, the desire was to achieve a clean, fresh and informative design.

The client requested the homepage video to autoplay on scroll, along with custom collection sections and a fully customizable Instagram feed integration.

The layout of the page was to resemble the example store with recreated graphics and brand imagery.

Build Breakdown

Our team coded in an autoplay video section, in order for the video section to play when the customer scrolls to that specific section of the homepage. Along with this, we also coded custom collection sections to function in the client's desired way. Additionally our team integrated a fully customizable Instagram feed section.

A custom product page template was created for this store to display all necessary product details to the customer. We also created a custom about us page template to split the page into sections, keeping the reader engaged throughout.

Anywhere between 1-2 weeks, depending on custom graphic creation and features.

Additional Information

Our team created custom hero graphics, collection graphics and blog post imagery for this store. We also optimized every image for sitewide speed optimization.

The first step is communication. Consistent communication is absolutely essential in achieving the perfect strategy for not only the build, but for the business as a whole. We work closely with each client from the get go. We ensure a clear vision and plan is established before we even begin working on the build itself.

You can contact us anytime using the contact form or by sending us an email. Our team will promptly answer any queries you may have.
